Riley Louise Faill was born at 6:11 PM Monday, August 24th and weighed 7lbs and 7 oz. She was 20 inches long! Labor was.. a treat. :) It was labor, what else can you say, except that all in all it went pretty well. I am so grateful to have had Taz as my doctor, and feel it was by far the best decision I made during this pregnancy. It's odd now, not being pregnant. It was an amazing feeling, because it was literally one second being pregnant and pushing to all of a sudden not being pregnant anymore. It's a different feeling considering I have been pregnant for just about 10 months of my life!
Riley has been home for about 3 weeks now, she is 23 days old. Dan has been AMAZING as a father and even more amazing as a husband. He has really come through for us, especially during our first couple weeks while Mommy battled the baby blues! Everything seems to be getting more routine now, and we are adapting to living life without sleep. Overall Riley has been a great baby, only fussy during the evenings, and even then it isn't bad. We've only had a couple of crying fits, which I will take a couple over a 23 day period with a newborn!
It's amazing how life has changed. Everything from my social life to my wardrobe! My friends have been great in realizing that I am not that mom that wants it to be just my baby and me for the first couple of months, I need adult interaction, and having friends that realize that has made this transition into parenthood a bit easier. My wardrobe has been a little harder for me to adapt to.. I already look forward to the days when I can wear normal bras that don't unsnap and shirts that aren't "easily accessible." Needless to say breast feeding is not my favorite part of motherhood. While it has its conveniences (cost, readiness) it has its inconveniences (everything else!) And I am still debating as to whether or not I want to continue. It's pretty much consumed my life at this point. We went to the pediatrician yesterday and the doctor told us that on average babies should gain at least half an ounce to an ounce per day, and Riley has gained, on average 2 ounces per day... She likes to eat! She's a little chunker. ;)
So now, life becomes routine again, we continue to adapt, and wonder what new changes Riley will bring with her each day!